

Unwed Mothers Initiative for Archiving & Advocacy


제목<단행본> Half a Million Women - Mothers who lose their children by adoption2024-10-22 16:10
작성자 Level 10
  • 저자: Howe, David / Sawbridge, Phillida / Hinings, Diana 
  • 제목: Half a Million Women - Mothers who lose their children by adoption
  • 출판사: Penguin Books Ltd
  • 발행일자: 1992. 1. 30.
■ 책 소개
본문 전반에 걸쳐 사례 기록과 인터뷰를 통해 영국에서 아기를 입양 보낸 경험의 모든 측면을 살펴본다. 미혼모라는 사회적 낙인, 아기를 포기하기로 한 결정, 부모-사회-친부로부터의 고립, 이후 입양 보낸 자녀가 찾을지 모른다는 두려움을 탐구하며, 미혼모 문제를 바라보는 사회의 태도, 관련 법률, 의학적 및 심리적 관점도 아울러 살펴볼 것이다. 

Utilizing case histories and interviews throughout the text, this is an examination of all aspects of the experience of giving up a child for adoption. It explores the social stigma of being an unwed mother, the decision to relinquish a baby, the isolation from parents, society and the child's father, and the fear of being traced by a child in later life. The text also describes the attitudes of society, the laws surrounding the issue and the medical and psychological viewpoint.

■ 작가 소개
하우, 데이비드
자연과학 학위를 받고 교육과 사회복지 분야에서 경력을 쌓은 후 1976년 영국 노리치에 있는 이스트 앵글리아 대학교(UEA)에서 강사로 일했다. 현재는 동명의 대학 사회복지학부 명예 교수이다. 수년에 걸쳐 사회복지 이론, 입양, 감성 지능, 공감, 애착 이론, 아동 학대 및 방임에 대한 연구와 저술 활동을 해왔다. 지금까지 23권의 책을 저술했다. “공감의 정의와 중요성 EMPATHY: What it is and why it matters"(2012)과 “완전한 사회복지사 THE COMPLEAT SOCIAL WORKER”(2014)는 마지막으로 집필한 학술서이다. 가장 최근 출간한 저서는 "멸종을 위한 추출: 지구 천연자원과 우리의 관계를 다시 생각하다 EXTRACTION TO EXTINCTION: Rethinking our relationship with Earth's natural resources"(2021)이다. 

Howe, David  
EXTRACTION TO EXTINCTION: Rethinking our relationship with Earth's natural resources (2021) is my latest book published by Saraband. ROCKS AND RAIN, REASON AND ROMANCE: The landscape, people and history of the Lake District was also published by Saraband 2019.

When I'm not writing, you might spot me on top of a fell in the Lake District or Scotland. Or find me wandering a coastal path in Cornwall, Norfolk or Pembroke. There was a time when I could climb, walk and think about my next book all at the same time. But now I'm getting old and retired, it takes all my energy just to get up a hill, never mind think as well. Even so, as well as my Lake District Book I have managed to write another about my strolls and reflections as I've walked around Norfolk: "WANDERING IN NORFOLK: Time Lines and Crossing Places" (2016) published by Mousehold Press, Norwich.

After a degree in the natural sciences and careers in teaching and social work, in 1976 I took up a post as lecturer at the University of East Anglia, Norwich, UK. I am an Emeritus Professor in the School of Social Work at UEA. Over the years, my research and writing interests have included social work theory, adoption, emotional intelligence, empathy, attachment theory, and child abuse and neglect. To date, I have written 23 books. My final two academic books are "EMPATHY: What it is and why it matters" (2012), published by Palgrave Macmillan, and "THE COMPLEAT SOCIAL WORKER" (2014) also published by Palgrave Macmillan.

#입양# 미혼모# 여성# 낙인# 영국# 입양으로_아기를_잃은_오십만명의_여성들# 사회복지사